Saturday, May 16, 2020

Indicators of of Progress and Development - 950 Words

Income, growth and prosperity were accepted as key indicators of progress and development till the first half of the twentieth century. This was a preoccupation of classical economists. But in present century there is a great conflict, which relates development with equality, growth without equitable distribution and prosperity alongside rising gender inequalities. None of which are natural but rather influenced by social and cultural factors. There is need to broaden the concept of development to encompass the overall well-being of people rather than just denoting rising income. The national income as calculated by the Gross National Product (GNP) measure is no indication of the standard of living of nation’s people. The condition of†¦show more content†¦It must also address crime, poverty, unemployment, environmental sustainability, women empowerment and so on. That is why in 1996 the ‘Development Assistance Committee’ of the Organization for Economic C o-operation and Development Goals that stimulated a lot of interest pushed by some extremely dedicated individuals. Declaration introduced in the first UN Millennium Summit in September 2000 attracted the largest number of the world leaders in the history. The UN Millennium Summit proposes eight essential objectives; referred to as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Thus for the first time in our history of development, a set of well-defined goals, understandable to all, was adopted jointly by the world communities. The present chapter has been divided in to five Sections. Section I briefly describes the origin of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and list of MDGs, its targets and indicators. A brief description of Millennium Development Goals in India has been provided in section II. Need of the study and its objectives have been given in section III. Section IV discusses the data availability for measuring the indicators of MDG in Indian context, methodology, tools and tec hnique in used in the study. Limitations and the chapterization scheme have been provided in the last section. SECTION-I 1.2 The Millennium Development Goals At the end of the century, leaders from differentShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Indicators928 Words   |  4 PagesTITTLE: An essay on development indicators describing the following indicators that may be used to explain levels of development within countries: (a). (b). (c). Gross National Product (GNP) Child (Under- five) Mortality Rate Human Development Index (HDI) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Defining Development Indicators 3. Gross National Product 3.1 Advantages of GNP 3.2 Disadvantages of GNP 4. 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